Christmas Snow Globes


Add beauty to a shelf or mantel with a Hallmark Christmas snow globe.


NOTE: These items are fast moving. We will contact you if ever your order is not available. Thanks


Add beauty to a shelf or mantel with a Hallmark Christmas snow globe.

One of the most collected home items are Snow Globes. It’s fascinating how they are working. This is a great decoration for an entrance, living room or office.

Home decoration is the most important part of any home. One way to make your house appealing is to decorate it with items that make it more inviting and beautiful. Snow Globes is such items that will help you get that homey vibe you want. It is a glass ball containing water and glitter that is shaken to swirl the glitter and create the illusion of falling snow. It is a great decor item that will surely make your guests smile.


NOTE: These items are fast moving. We will contact you if ever your order is not available. Thanks

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Santa sleigh, Snow man, Belen, Christmas Tree Santa, holy Famliy, Christmas Gift, Telephone Snow Man, Telephone Santa, Lamp Santa, Tree Snowman, Tree Santa, Star Santa, Star Snowman